Frequently Asked Questions

What is Novark about?

Visit the About page to find out!

What platforms will Novark be released on?

Windows and Linux. Mac will not be supported.

When will Novark release?

TBA. However, you can download the pre-alpha on the Itch page and view the alpha and beta release dates on the About page.

What are all of the features and modes in Novark?

Novark currently only has campaign, though another mode is planned.
As for features, we don't want to spoil everything but here's a brief rundown:

How much will Novark cost?

For the release, we are planning for somewhere between $10 - $15. The early access versions will be cheaper than the release price. Additionally, Novark will have a free demo for you to decide if it's worth buying.

Will Novark have controller support?

Not yet but it is planned.

What languages will Novark support?

Audio + Interface + Subtitles:

Interface + Subtitles:

What are the minimum specs for Novark?

We are still developing the game, so we don't really know until we do some in-depth testing.

What engine is Novark using?

Unity 2022, Universal Render Pipeline.

Will Novark have mod support?

Given the budget and time frame of the game, this will not be possible. This could change in post-launch updates.

Will Novark have an anticheat?

Since this is a single-player experience, no.

Can I help out in any way?

Since our budget is really tight right now, we can't afford to pay more people. However, if you would like to volunteer without pay, email or DM legendile7 on Discord. Outline what you want to help with and provide as much detail as possible about your qualifications and experience. A portfolio or sample of your previous work would be very helpful.